Continued Education Grants

Supporting Career Development and Industry Expertise

The HARVEST Education Foundation offers Continued Education Grants for industry professionals and employees of member organizations. These grants are designed to support ongoing education, training, and career development in the RV, campground, and manufactured housing industries.

What is Covered:

Grants can be used for underwriting costs related to educational courses, seminars, workshops, or certifications that enhance professional skills and industry knowledge. Training subjects may range from technical expertise to management development. The Foundation aims to ensure that industry professionals are equipped with the tools needed to succeed in an ever-evolving field.


  • HARVEST Education Foundation members in good standing and their employees are eligible to apply.
  • The grants will be awarded based on the application’s alignment with career advancement and industry goals.
  • Applications are accepted each year, and the amount awarded varies depending on individual qualifications and needs.

How to Apply:

To apply for a Continued Education Grant, please submit your application to the Foundation. Applications will be evaluated based on presentation, thoroughness, and the applicant’s demonstrated need for professional growth. You can submit proof of payment and attendance to receive reimbursement once the course or seminar is completed.